Un/Learning Space is a newly initiated project by Open Space to support and mentor emerging art creatives. By both learning and unlearning, the workshops that will be available between April-September 2021 will aim to question the classical institutional teaching.
UN/LEARNING SPACE: Introduction to Podcasting with Between Two Curators (Cliff Lauson and Jenn Ellis)
12 April 2021 (Monday), 6:30-8pm
During lockdown last year, curators Cliff Lauson and Jennifer Ellis took to the digital airwaves and started the Between Two Curators podcast as a way of producing creative content and continuing to exchange ideas. In this workshop, Cliff and Jenn will introduce the basics of podcasting, from the tech required to finding your thematic niche. They will offer some tips and tricks learned along the way before leading to questions and discussion.
Instagram: @betweentwocurators
Website: www.betweentwocurators.com
Note: While these workshops are free we do rely on donations in order to support our workshop leaders financially.
Dr Cliff Lauson is Senior Curator at the Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre, London. Since arriving as Curator at the Hayward in 2009, he has organised major exhibitions of work by Bridget Riley, Martin Creed, Ernesto Neto, Tracey Emin, and David Shrigley as well as the thematic exhibitions Light Show and Space Shifters. Cliff was a 2015-6 Fellow of the Clore Leadership Programme, and undertook the secondment component of his fellowship at Industrial Light & Magic, London. He was previously Assistant Curator at Tate Modern, and is currently a trustee of Film and Video Umbrella and a trained life and executive coach.
Instagram: @cliff.lauson
Website: www.clifflauson.com
Jenn Ellis is a curator, patron and founder who over the last decade, from London to Hong Kong, has built businesses, projects and connections across the public and private sector, between artists, institutions, curators, critics and collectors. Jenn is the founder of virtual platform AORA, curatorial, production and strategy consultancy Apsara Studio, non-profit the Young Collectors Collective, and co-hosts the podcast Between Two Curators with Dr. Cliff Lauson. Driven by alternative approaches to exhibition-making and funding, Jenn is sensitive to artists, space and context and has worked with leading organisations including Edouard Malingue Gallery, Lehmann Maupin, City of London, amongst others. Her projects and work have appeared in the Evening Standard, Frame Magazine, Wallpaper, Modern House, Art Review, etc. Dedicated to supporting an evolving art community, Jenn collects contemporary art, guest lectures at Sotheby’s Institute, mentors, and sits on the committees of Chisenhale Gallery and Artangel. In 2018 Jenn was appointed a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Jenn holds a Law degree from King’s College London and a History of Art degree from the University of Cambridge.
Instagram: @jenncellis
Website: www.jennellis.com
This event’s capacity is for 30 participants and the suggested donation is £8. To book for the event please click here.